What is suffering? Is it the same as pain? Can they be separate, so that any suffering you experience can be diminished or eliminated altogether? Another deep episode where I share some practical steps you can take to stop suffering, and find your path to inner peace. I promise, I only mention meditation once. The rest of it, you may be surprised by. [Read more…]
Optimism, Pessimism and Creating the Life You Want
It’s okay to be pessimistic, especially if months or years of optimism don’t work. In this episode, we go over the underlying strategies or “programs” you have deep down that motivate you to move toward things you want and away from things you don’t want.
Wait, did I say it’s okay to be pessimistic? Yup. When what you’re doing doesn’t work, do something else. Better yet, be “realistic” to create the most change in your life.
When you figure out what motivates you in life, you’ll figure out how to create the life you want. [Read more…]
Clearing the Path to Happiness
*Clear The Path To Happiness now a digital download at Amazon!
Attaining happiness seems to be the pursuit of so many people. Those who look outside of themselves seem to find temporary means, but those who go inside reveal happiness, where it was all along.
I talk about that in this deep episode of clearing the obstacles to revealing the happiness inside.
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How to Deal With Irrational People

Irrational behavior is one of the most difficult behaviors to deal with. When someone is being irrational, they don’t listen to reason, logic, or even common sense.
They are laser-focused on fulfilling a need.
And until that need is fulfilled, or they snap out of it, the irrational person can be unpredictable and sometimes even dangerous.
In this article, I’ll share with you ways to communicate and even “reel in” irrational people to bring them back to a calmer, more rational state of mind.
Important: If you believe that you may be doing emotionally abusive behavior and would like to change that about yourself, sign up for the life-changing Healed Being program over at healedbeing.com).
If you are currently in a relationship with someone who becomes irrational and is hurtful to you, listen to my podcast Love and Abuse to help you navigate through the difficulties.
Building Self-Esteem and Self-Worth, While Avoiding the Ego Trap
Self-worth is how you perceive yourself through other people’s eyes. Self-esteem is how confident and worthy you feel about yourself.
Your self-esteem can be crushed if you are around people that do not recognize your worth. And after years of low self-worth, you may feel like a loser who doesn’t deserve good things in life.
On top of that, if you work hard at developing your worth and esteem, your ego can come in and try to spoil things even more.
There are ways to build and nurture all three of these so that you can tackle life a lot easier when the challenges present themselves.
[Read more…]