Should you be judgmental or critical toward people that never change? Is it your job to change them?
Judgments have no place in relationships. But when they are there, they almost always lead to disconnect and resentment.
[Read more…]Emotional Intelligence for Critical Thinkers
Should you be judgmental or critical toward people that never change? Is it your job to change them?
Judgments have no place in relationships. But when they are there, they almost always lead to disconnect and resentment.
[Read more…]A self-described “germaphobe” shared with me their challenging experience at a work function. The presence of food triggered an embarrassing moment for them, which ultimately led to tears.
When you have behaviors and nuances that others might judge you for, do you hide them from the world? Should you?
Sometimes, we can’t hide who we are.
[Read more…]When people you care about would rather put their attention on technology than the relationship, you may feel like they are ignoring or even neglecting you.
And perhaps they are!
Is it time to get angry and tell them how you really feel? Maybe there is a compromise you can make where everyone is happy. Or maybe not.
This article will help you learn how to handle, and maybe even resolve, the issue of “technoference.”
[Read more…]It’s a challenge to stay present for someone who is so down and out. Sometimes, you go into your own “stuff” trying to help them with theirs. It’s the curse of many highly sensitive people and certainly difficult for almost any empathetic person.
There are ways to help others without getting into your own stuff. Sometimes, it’s necessary if the person you are there for just can’t get out of their own upset.
[Read more…]Have you ever had a tiny squeak in a door in your home that irritated you every time you used it? What happens after you oil the hinge and the squeak goes away? To some, it can feel like a life-changing moment!
That and other quality-of-life improvements can actually create happiness and make the day-to-day that much better.
[Read more…]