Forgiveness is about healing inside from the hurt that was caused at the time. You may harbor resentment, anger, and other feelings toward someone else, but the hurt and pain are carried within you.
So, how do you forgive and move on?
[Read more…]Emotional Intelligence for Critical Thinkers
Forgiveness is about healing inside from the hurt that was caused at the time. You may harbor resentment, anger, and other feelings toward someone else, but the hurt and pain are carried within you.
So, how do you forgive and move on?
[Read more…]The first segment is about a young woman who keeps getting “ghosted” by her dates. It’s starting to impact her self-esteem and she’s wondering if she’ll ever find a life partner.
In the second segment, I reply to someone who wants to hate those who’ve wronged her, but her spirituality says it’s better to forgive.
Is it?
Sounds like a great subject to talk about. [Read more…]
Lots more to explore in part two of the self-help variety show. What you are upset about has an origin from the past, exploring that can heal the present.
Do you stand up to your family for your significant other? Is it a good idea? How do you handle apologies and forgiveness? Should you ask for forgiveness?
What happens when you partner’s child doesn’t accept you in their life? What do you do with the feelings of shame and anger around someone’s death? Lots to explore in this New Year’s edition of TOB.
Why do we fall off course so easily? When you prioritize tasks that take your time away from the things you want to accomplish, you fall back farther and farther until you are no longer making progress. In fact, you might even end up going backward.
Sometimes you are not in alignment with a bigger vision for yourself. The reason is that you might actually have a value hidden under the surface that you didn’t even know was there. I talk about this self-sabotaging behavior in segment one of this episode.
[Read more…]Forgiveness is not about other people. It’s about you. When you can learn to forgive yourself, even when you aren’t the one to blame, you let go of the negative emotions so that you can take the learnings into your future.
Also, I talk about John Gibson, the pastor who committed suicide after hackers revealed millions of user names and detailed information about the users from the Ashley Madison infidelity and cheating site.
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