Segment 1: Are you a chameleon? Do you change as needed for every person and situation?
If so, is it really serving you? It’s time to explore this personality quirk and discover if it’s more harmful than helpful.
[Read more…]Emotional Intelligence for Critical Thinkers
Segment 1: Are you a chameleon? Do you change as needed for every person and situation?
If so, is it really serving you? It’s time to explore this personality quirk and discover if it’s more harmful than helpful.
[Read more…]If your partner’s family is against you and your partner sides with them, what do you do?
When you can’t feel safe in your own relationship because your partner’s priority is his or her own family over you, you may have some hard choices to make. In this episode, Matthew Bivens and I have an emotionally intelligent conversation about an email I received from a woman whose husband shared her personal message to a relative of his.
[Read more…]Segment 1: She caught her husband cheating, he blamed her and her family for the affair.
He used to be loving and supportive. Now that he can’t get his way, he is cold and manipulative. Segment 2: She wants her ex back, but all he wants is sex. She complies but feels empty and lonely without him.
[Read more…]When you find out a lie that your partner has been holding on to for months or years, where does that leave the relationship?
How do you move on? What if it’s a minor lie and your relationship has been going great?
[Read more…]Segment 1: Do you attract the worst partners? What does it take to find a normal person to date?
There is a path to attracting quality partners but it may involve facing your fear of loss.
Segment 2: If you feel bad for your emotional abuser or manipulator, you are more likely to stay in the relationship and take the abuse.
[Read more…]