Segment 1: Asking yourself stupid questions may be the path to healing and moving through the hard stuff in your life.
We often have choices when it appears we don’t – stupid questions may lead to more choices (full article here).
Emotional Intelligence for Critical Thinkers
Segment 1: Asking yourself stupid questions may be the path to healing and moving through the hard stuff in your life.
We often have choices when it appears we don’t – stupid questions may lead to more choices (full article here).
Segment 1. Resolving issues before New Year’s resolutions is a better practice for some people.
If you have trouble keeping your resolutions, perhaps it’s time to change when you make them. [Read more…]
Segment 1: She caught her husband cheating, he blamed her and her family for the affair.
He used to be loving and supportive. Now that he can’t get his way, he is cold and manipulative. Segment 2: She wants her ex back, but all he wants is sex. She complies but feels empty and lonely without him.
[Read more…]Segment 1: Do you attract the worst partners? What does it take to find a normal person to date?
There is a path to attracting quality partners but it may involve facing your fear of loss.
Segment 2: If you feel bad for your emotional abuser or manipulator, you are more likely to stay in the relationship and take the abuse.
[Read more…]Segment 1: The more you expose yourself to new things, the smarter you get and the more your thought processes change.
[Read more…]