Have you ever tried to tell someone they were doing something you don’t like, or that they were just outright wrong, but they turned it around on you and put you on the defense?
[Read more…]Is it ever okay to release toxic family?
I received an email from someone who was very angry with me. She said “You should be ashamed of yourself for teaching that it is okay to break ties with family!“
She was referencing an episode I did on toxic family members and how I said if they are too toxic to be around that it’s okay to part ways with them. [Read more…]
When a dysfunctional upbringing leaves you with nothing but broken tools
Your level of function or dysfunction as an adult is almost always determined by the most unhealthy or toxic people in your family growing up.
When you are raised by those who didn’t or couldn’t love and support you as you deserved, you may have developed “broken” tools to deal with situations as an adult. When your emotional toolbox has a bunch of broken tools, you may keep getting the results you don’t want, causing you to stay unhappy.
In this episode, I help you identify those broken tools and what you can do to start utilizing them the right way, or even fixing them altogether.
Are you capable of emotional abuse?
Would you know if you were being emotionally abusive? There is a question you can ask yourself to determine if you are being emotionally abusive or not.
Once you know the question, you can change how you communicate with anyone.
Important: If you are hurting someone you care about and want to change that about yourself while also giving your relationship the best chance at healing, click here to start your free lessons right away with the Healed Being course.
For more on emotional abuse, control, and manipulation in relationships, visit loveandabuse.com.
Breaking up for newbies – Enabling your own terrible relationship – Dating the emotional abuser
Segment 1: Without a history of breakups, your first major one can seem devastating and life-ending.
In this segment, I help the newbie get through all the symptoms of the first major heartbreak.
Segment 2: When you think your relationship is horrible and you find yourself taking up all the slack for your deadbeat other half, are you creating your own misery?
[Read more…]