Segment 1: Asking yourself stupid questions may be the path to healing and moving through the hard stuff in your life.
We often have choices when it appears we don’t – stupid questions may lead to more choices (full article here).
Emotional Intelligence for Critical Thinkers
Segment 1: Asking yourself stupid questions may be the path to healing and moving through the hard stuff in your life.
We often have choices when it appears we don’t – stupid questions may lead to more choices (full article here).
Letting go of a narcissistic parent can seem like cutting off a limb to some people, but what happens right after the moment you make the decision to cut them out of your life?
Matthew Bivens of the Having it A.L.L. podcast joins me today to discuss what can be a challenging task.
Do you fantasize, daydream, play video games or watch TV in hopes that you won’t have to deal with reality?
It’s not all bad, but anything in moderation, right? In the first segment of this episode, I talk about the benefits of skipping reality for a little bit as long as you connect with yourself in other ways.
[Read more…]Back in 2017, my girlfriend and I took a trip to visit my family in New Hampshire. We both enjoyed sitting with people we knew well, enjoying their friendly faces and warm conversation.
Like most families, our conversation shifted toward a “remember the time…” direction, where we shared both happy and sad memories of the past.
[Read more…]A long time ago, I was taught that a narcissist was a person who stared into the mirror and adored themselves for hours. But after years of working with couples on many kinds of issues, including narcissistic abuse, my perspective on narcissism has broadened greatly.
Narcissists wouldn’t be so bad if they didn’t also drag other people into their world, manipulating them to do what they want regardless of the harm they inflicted. If they kept to themselves, most people could ignore them and go on with life.
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